The Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) is seeking a national expert/consultant based in Lebanon with knowledge of chemicals management to provide technical assistance on the implementation of prevention approaches for mercury in medical devices.
The objective of the expert’s mission will be to provide technical assistance to achieve the phase out of mercury from the healthcare sector, mentioned under the Barcelona Convention – where parties are to take ‘measures to isolate and contain the mercury containing wastes to avoid potential contamination of air, soil or water’ and covered specifically by the Minamata Convention on Mercury since it became effective in 2017.
The selected expert will support SCP/RAC in the implementation process of the inventorying, collection and safe storage of mercury containing medical devices. The expert will also be involved in specific activities aiming at providing policy support to Lebanon in strengthening regulation regarding the use of mercury in hospitals and primary healthcare centres and training/awareness raising on the alternatives.
This consultancy takes place in the framework of the “Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme): Enhancing Environmental Security” funded by the GEF, in which SCP/RAC is mainly involved in the implementation of component 1 - Reduction of Land Based Pollution in Priority Coastal Hotspots and Measuring Progress to Impacts.
The duration of this first consultancy is estimated until December 2022.
Read the whole description of the activities and learn more about this project in the ToR here.
Offers must be sent to with copy to with the subject ‘Technical expert Mercury Lebanon - MedProgramme’ before November 15th midnight (CET).