A new publication of UN Environment/MAP - SCP/RAC intends to inspire and provide practical indications to implement marine litter solutions in the Mediterranean region.
During the last Conference of the Parties (COP) of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (April-May 2017, Genève), it was officially approved by the Plenary that the Regional Centers of the Stockholm and Basel Conventions can officially work on the issue of marine plastic waste and microplastics. The Regional Centers from now can consistently report their activities on the issue to the next COP which will take place in 2019
La llauna sura entre les onades fins que va a parar a la platja. S'uneix a una bossa de plàstic, un tros de poliestirè i molts altres objectes que ocupen un espai que no hauria de ser el seu. Els residus marins són una realitat i una amenaça real per a tots els ecosistemes marins i per a la biodiversitat. Són una veritable plaga que maltracta moltes espècies marines i el seu hàbitat.
The SCP/RAC, as a regional center of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, has promoted and leads an informal working group on EDCs and POPs in plastics and microplastics in the marine environment.